Environmental Performance

Energy consumption

Actual results

Item 2021 2022 2023
Total energy consumption (thousand kWh) 426,911※1 446,499※2 417,345※3
Fuel consumption (thousand kWh) 65,615 71,212※2 58,343※3
Electricity consumption (thousand kWh) 283,858 290,881※2 278,181※3
Other heat consumption (thousand kWh) 77,384 84,348※2 80,756※3
Renewable energy self-consumption
(thousand kWh)
54 59※2 64※3
Energy consumption intensity (kWh/㎡) 146.1 180.6 174.7
Non-fossil fuel certificate utilization
(thousand kWh)
4,920 13,975 24,625
Energy Consumption intensity (kWh/㎡)

Greenhouse gas emissions


Item Target
GHG emissions (Scope 1+2+3) 90% reduction by 2050(Base year 2021)
GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) 42% reduction by 2030(Base year 2021)

Actual results

Item 2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions (Scope 1+2+3) (t-CO2) 147,900 151,484 124,487
Reduction rate of total amount
(Comparison with base year)
- ▲2.4% 15.8%
Item 2021 2022 2023
GHG emissions (Scope 1+2) (t-CO2) 27,370 20,476 16,178
Reduction rate of total amount
(Comparison with base year)
- 25.2% 40.9%
  • In 2022,The Scope classification has been changed. Therefore, the figures for 2021 are different from those in the table below.
GHG emissions
GHG emissions


Item Target by 2030
CO2 emission intensity 46% reduction (Base year 2013)

Actual results

Item 2013 2021 2022 2023
Total CO2 emissions (t-CO2): before deduction of Non-fossil fuel certificate A 191,606 150,079※1 157,713※2 134,270※3
Scope1 emissions (t-CO2) - 11,756 4,819※2 4,354※3
Scope2 emissions (t-CO2): before deduction of Non-fossil fuel certificate ②a - 138,323 20,942※2 17,983※3
Scope2 Non-fossil fuel certificate utilization (t-CO2) ②b - - 5,285※2 6,159※3
Scope2 emissions (t-CO2):
after deduction of Non-fossil fuel certificate
②c - - 15,658※2 11,824※3
Scope3(category13) emissions: before deduction of Non-fossil fuel certificate
③a - - 131,952※2 111,934※3
Scope3 Non-fossil fuel certificate utilization (t-CO2) ③b - - 944※2 3,624※3
Scope3 (category13)emissions (t-CO2): after deduction of Non-fossil fuel certificate ③c - - 131,008※2 108,309※3
Total Scope2,3 Non-fossil fuel certificate utilization (t-CO2) B=
- 2,179 6,228※2 9,783※3
CO2 emissions (t-CO2): after deduction of Non-fossil fuel certificate C=
- 147,900 151,484※2 124,487※3
CO2 emissions intensity (kg-CO2/㎡)* 91.7 61.8 61.2 52.1
Reduction rate of intensity
(Comparison with base year)
- 32.6% 33.3% 43.2%

From2022, the definitions of Scope 1, 2, and 3 have been changed as follows.

Scope 1: CO2 emissions associated with the use of fuel (city gas, bunker A, diesel oil) in properties excluding tenant-managed properties ("owner-managed properties").
Scope 2: CO2 emissions from the use of purchased electricity and heat (Electricity, cool water, warm water, steam, other hot water) in owner-managed properties. Emissions calculated based on tenants' energy consumption using the total floor area and tenants' exclusive area ("tenants' energy-derived CO2 emissions") are excluded from the calculation.
Scope 3: CO2 emissions from tenant energy consumption. For owner-managed properties, the total floor area and exclusive area for tenants are used to calculate tenant energy-derived CO2 emissions.
CO2 emissions intensity (kg-CO2/㎡)

Water consumption


Item Target by 2030
Water consumption intensity 5% reduction (Base year 2019)

Actual results

Item 2019 2021 2022 2023
Total water consumption (thousand ㎥):A+B 1,752 1,360※1 1,478※3 1,549※3
Purchased water consumption (thousand ㎥):A 1,571 1,219※1 1,305※2 1,361※3
Other water consumption (thousand ㎥):B 181 141※3 173※2 187※3
Water consumption intensity (㎥/㎡):
Subject to A
0.69 0.51 0.53 0.57
Reduction rate of intensity
(Comparison with base year)
- 26.5% 23.5% 17.3%
Water consumption intensity (㎥/㎡)

Waste emissions


Item Target by 2030
Waste recycling rate 65%

Actual results

Item 2021 2022 2023
Total waste emissions (t) 9,462 9,888 9,282
General waste emissions (t) 7,816 7,903 7,621
Industrial waste emissions (t) 1,646※1 1,985※2 1,661※3
Ratio by method of waste disposal
Land filling 3.9% 3.3% 3.6%
Incineration 30.2% 31.6% 32.9%
Recycling 62.6% 63.7% 62.1%
Waste Recycling

Notes on the Above Performance

1. Scope of data calculation

  • In principle, all properties owned by Nippon Building Fund Inc. (NBF) during the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023 are covered. Except as follows, above data consists of total consumption/emissions from common-use areas and tenantsʼ exclusive areas in each property and conversion to equity is not performed.
  • NBF Shinagawa Tower partly owned by NBF is a part of the property including Shinagawa Grand Central Tower, but that is excluded from the calculation.
  • Parale Mitsui Building consists of an administrative service wing partly owned by NBF, a residential wing, a retail stores wing and a parking wing, but the data is compiled for the entire building.
  • Properties with exclusive ownership areas holding 25% or less than 25%(GranTokyo South Tower, Panasonic Tokyo Shiodome Bldg., Osaki Bright Tower, Toyosu Bayside Cross Tower)are calculated for equity held by NBF.
  • Regarding gas consumption, some data such as amount of city gas consumption, contracted directly by tenants, which is difficult to calculate, is excluded.
  • Waste data for properties where building management is performed by tenants (NBF Osaki Bldg. and NBF Ginza Street Bldg.), are excluded.

2. Calculation period

Calculation period: January 1st through December 31st 2023

3. Calculation method

  • Energy consumption
    Total energy consumption=Σ (consumption by energy type × heating value conversion factor × conversion rate for electricity)
    Calculated by using the conversion factor based on the “Act on Rationalization of Energy Use and Shift to Non-fossil Energy”
    Energy type: city gas, bunker A, diesel oil, Electricity, cool water, warm water, steam, other hot water
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
    Scope of greenhouse gas: Energy origin CO2
    Energy origin CO2 emissions=Σ (energy consumption × CO2 emission factor)
    The CO2 emission factors for fuel and other heat are based on the "Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculation and Reporting Manual” published by Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
    • The definitions of Scope 1, 2, and 3
      Scope 1: CO2 emissions associated with the use of fuel (city gas, bunker A, diesel oil) in properties excluding tenant-managed properties ("owner-managed properties").
      Scope 2: CO2 emissions from the use of purchased electricity and heat (Electricity, cool water, warm water, steam, other hot water) in owner-managed properties. Emissions calculated based on tenants' energy consumption using the total floor area and tenants' exclusive area ("tenants' energy-derived CO2 emissions") are excluded from the calculation.
      Scope 3: CO2 emissions from tenant energy consumption. For owner-managed properties, the total floor area and exclusive area for tenants are used to calculate tenant energy-derived CO2 emissions.
    • Non-fossil fuel certificate
      NBF has been sourcing its real CO2-free electricity together with a non-fossil fuel certificate.
  • Water consumption
    Total water consumption=Σ (Purchased water consumption*1 + Other water consumption*2)
    • Purchased water consists of purchased clean water and industrial water among other things.
    • Other water consists of water recycled inside the property, grand water, rainwater among other things.
  • Waste emissions
    Total waste emissions=Σ (General waste emissions + Industrial waste emissions)
    Based on the “Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act”
  • Intensity figures
    Each intensity figure = Total consumption of each / Floor space
    Floor space is based on area under the Building Standards Act.
    As for Toyosu Bayside Cross Tower, since additional acquisition was made during the calculation period, the floor space is calculated by averaging the floor space for each month over the year.
    The data was calculated from properties held by NBF. However, some portion of these properties like residential areas were excluded due to difficulties in collecting the data.
    Intensity figures are corrected by annual average occupancy rate.
    Corrected intensity figures = Non-Corrected Intensity Figures / Average vacancy rate [%]
    Calculations of energy consumption intensity and CO2 emission intensity are based on the energy consumption and CO2 emissions that reflect the non-fossil fuel certificate utilization.

※Some variance come from rounding off.

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