Environmental Initiatives

Environmental Initiatives through Real Estate Investment

Understanding and Reducing Environmental Risks in Investment Decisions and Monitoring

Regarding due diligence for new investments, NBF obtains an understanding of environmental and social risks by utilizing external experts and uses this information in its investment decisions. Periodic monitoring of environmental and social risks is conducted for existing properties under management as well and initiatives that provide opportunities for reducing risks and increasing property value are carried out, e.g., expert building assessments such as "Energy Efficiency Walkthroughs".

Co-Existence with the Mitsui Fudosan Group in Redevelopments

The environmental load and environmental risks of the portfolio are reduced through investing in properties with excellent environmental performance that were redeveloped by the Mitsui Fudosan Group under the co-existence model with the Mitsui Fudosan Group.

Promoting LED lighting

For the purpose of reduction of CO2, improvement in asset value by green building initiatives and meeting tenants’ needs, promotion of LED lighting (tenant areas and common areas) is being carried out.

Status of promotion of LEDs (private and common areas)

Percentage of lighting fixtures converted to LED* 66%

  • Aggregated by number of fixtures

LED Roadmap

Consideration to biodiversity

NBF has taken biodiversity into consideration by protecting the precious natural environment in urban areas, creating and protecting greenery and biotopes that are in harmony with the surrounding environment.
G-BASE TAMACHI provides a variety of plants, mainly native species, precious green space for workers and community, as well as providing café and benches.
IIDABASHI GRAND BLOOM provides a greening ratio of 40% in total and, mitigates the heat island effect and creates a lush green landscape in harmony with the surrounding nature.

The sponsor, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. from which G-BASE TAMACHI and IIDABASHI GRAND BLOOM were acquired, joined the Keidanren Committee on Nature Conservation, and acquired some environmental certifications such as Association for Business Innovation in Harmony with Nature and Community (ABINC) at the time of development. For details on the efforts of the Mitsui Fudosan Group, please refer to “biodiversity”

Introduction of Renewable Energy

NBF promotes introduction of renewable energy, focusing on "FIT Non-Fossil certificates" electricity.

Initiatives for Water Resources

Water Stress Assessments

Using the World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct assessment tool, NBF conducted assessments of water stress.As a result, NBF found that none of our properties were in regions where water risks were "high".

Adoption of Water-Saving Equipment

NBF reduces the consumption of water by installing water-efficient sanitary equipment, automatic mixing flush washbasin and similar facilities.

Use of Rainwater and Grey Water

NBF works on the effective use of water resources by storing rainwater and reusing it for sprinkling, toilet flushing, and other purposes, as well as using miscellaneous wastewater that is relatively clean, such as hand washing, as miscellaneous water (grey water).

Use of Well Water

Well water (ground water) is used to reduce the use of clean water, and aquifers, helping to reduce the impact of water usage.

Waste Reduction

NBF monitors the amount of waste generated on a monthly basis and work with our tenants to save resources and improve the waste recycling rate through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle).

Soil Contamination Countermeasures (Investment of Brownfield Redevelopment)

If soil contamination is found, NBF maintains proper treatment and procedures in accordance with laws and regulations. If necessary, NBF implements measures to prevent the spread of soil contamination and countermeasure construction (mining and removal of contaminated soil).

(Example) The land of Osaki Bright Tower was found to be contaminated based on a soil investigation conducted under "The Ordinance on Environmental Preservation to Secure the Health and Safety of the Citizens of Tokyo (Environmental Preservation Ordinance)." However, the excavation and removal of the contaminated soil have been carried out in accordance with the law.

Osaki Bright Tower

Introduction of Energy Management System

NBF has introduced management systems (BEMS, etc.) to measure the energy efficiency of building facilities and to achieve energy-saving and an optimal indoor environment. NBF also works on improving efficient energy utilization by using smart meters to monitor electricity consumption and other details as well as providing feedback to tenants.

Environmental Initiatives in Collaboration with Tenants

NBF is advancing collaborative initiatives with tenant companies to reduce the environmental load of office buildings.

Holding of Sustainability Events for Tenants and Distributing Sustainability Guides

Through activities such as distributing sustainability guides to tenants to promote energy conservation activities within buildings and holding "water sprinkling events" in collaboration with tenants which result in heat island countermeasures and energy conservation, NBF conducts initiatives to increase the environmental awareness of tenant companies.

Introduction of Green Lease

A green lease is an initiative in which both building owner and tenant promote environmental consideration through a building lease agreement.
NBF has concluded green lease agreements concerning retrofits for the following properties upon obtaining understanding of tenant companies, switching over the lighting of areas exclusively occupied by tenant to LED and such.

Properties with green lease agreements concluded

【Shinbashi M-SQUARE】

【NBF Shinagawa Tower】

Environmental Initiatives in Collaboration with Business Partners

Collaboration with NBF Office Management

NBF Office Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "NBFOM") is a property management company of the Mitsui Fudosan Group which exclusively manages office buildings owned by NBF. NBF utilizes the expert abilities of NBFOM to maintain and increase the competitiveness, occupancy rate and rent level of its existing properties under management while effectively advancing initiatives of environmental consideration. In the joint meetings with NBFOM, discussions are held regarding the sharing of information and initiatives concerning the various energy saving and environmental issues, as to improve accuracy of information.

Environment Management System / PDCA Cycle

NBFM has developed an Environmental Management System (EMS) operation manual in accordance with the requirements in the guidelines of Eco Action 21 established by the Ministry of the Environment, to manage environmental impacts such as energy consumption, CO2 emissions, water consumption, and waste generation in its real estate portfolio, and to achieve its targets. Based on this manual, a PDCA cycle is implemented annually.

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