
Signatory to PRI

NBFM agreed with the fundamental principles of the PRI (PRI:Principles for Responsible Investment) and became a signatory.
PRI principles encourage the incorporation of ESG issues into investment decision making process. By including those issues in the investment process, the goal is to help companies enhance long-term investment performance and better fulfill their fiduciary duty.

  • (For further information on PRI, please click here.)

Support for TCFD

While clarifying stronger efforts to address climate-related issues, NBF and NBFM have expressed support for the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which recommends disclosure of information on risks and opportunities related to climate change to companies and such.

  • (For further information on TCFD, please click here.)

Participation in CDP Climate Change Program

NBF participates in CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) Climate Change Program, which evaluates efforts such as information disclosure on climate change.

  • (For further information on CDP, please click here.)
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